Key Takeaways:

  • RO filters remove contaminants from water.
  • Activated carbon filters improve taste and remove chlorine.
  • Water filter pitchers are the easiest and cheapest way to filter tap water.

Water is life, but not all water is created equal. With contaminants in tap water, many are looking for the healthiest way to filter water. This post will review the different types of water filtration methods, their benefits, and how to choose the best one. Water can have many contaminants, including heavy metals, chlorine, and harmful chemicals. These contaminants can affect your drinking water's taste, odor, and safety. Knowing what you’re up against is the first step in choosing the right water filtration system.

water filter dispenser

The Importance of Water Filtration

Filtering water is important to ensure it’s safe to drink. Unfiltered tap water can contain harmful contaminants. A water filtration system should be used to remove the contaminants and provide healthier water.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse osmosis (RO) water filters are the most effective filtration systems. They use a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants from water. This process can remove dissolved solids, heavy metals, and other harmful substances. O systems are best at removing specific contaminants that other filters miss. They’re great for those who want the highest water purity level.

How Reverse Osmosis Works

Reverse osmosis filtration systems work by forcing water through a semipermeable membrane. This membrane blocks contaminants while allowing clean water molecules to pass through. The result is highly purified water that is free from most contaminants. RO systems typically include multiple stages of filtration, including pre-filters and post-filters, to ensure comprehensive water purification. This multi-stage process makes reverse osmosis one of the most thorough filtration methods.

Activated Carbon Filters

water filter dispenser

Activated carbon filters are another popular choice for water filtration. These filters use activated carbon to adsorb contaminants, improving the taste and odor of water. They are particularly effective at removing chlorine and organic compounds. Activated carbon filters are commonly found in water pitchers, faucet filters, and whole-house filtration systems. They are an excellent option for improving the taste and quality of tap water.

Benefits of Activated Carbon Filters

One of the main benefits of activated carbon filters is their ability to remove chlorine, which can give water an unpleasant taste and odor. These filters can also remove other specific contaminants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and certain pesticides. Activated carbon filters are easy to use and maintain. They are available in various forms, including pitcher filters and faucet mount filters, making them a versatile option for different needs.

Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters use a porous ceramic material to remove contaminants. They are effective at removing bacteria, protozoa, and sediment from water and are often used in conjunction with other filtration methods for added protection. Ceramic filters are durable and can be cleaned and reused multiple times. They are a good choice for those looking for a long-lasting and reliable filtration option.

How Ceramic Filters Work

Ceramic filters work by trapping contaminants in the ceramic material. As water passes through the filter, bacteria, protozoa, and sediment are removed, leaving clean water behind. They are good for biological contaminants. They are used in gravity-fed systems, where water flows through the filter by gravity. They can be used in combination with other filters, like activated carbon, for extra purification.

Ion Exchange Filters

ion exchange filter

Ion exchange filters are designed to remove dissolved ions from water. They also remove heavy metals like lead and mercury. They work by exchanging bad ions in the water with good ones. Water softeners use ion exchange filters to remove calcium and magnesium ions, which cause water hardness. Ion exchange filters can be used in combination with other filters for full water purification.

Benefits of Ion Exchange Filters

One of the main benefits of ion exchange filters is they remove heavy metals from water. Good for areas with high levels of lead or mercury in the water supply. They can also improve the taste and quality of water by removing hardness-causing minerals. Ion exchange filters are used in whole-house filtration systems to provide clean water for all uses in the home—a reliable and effective solution for water quality.

Water Filter Pitchers

water filter pitchers

Water filter pitchers are a convenient and affordable option for filtering tap water. These pitchers use activated carbon filters to remove contaminants and improve the taste of water. They are easy to use and require minimal maintenance. Water filter pitchers are a great choice for those looking for a simple and effective way to filter their drinking water. They are portable and can be used anywhere, making them a versatile option for home or office use.

Choosing the Right Water Filter Pitcher

When choosing a water filter pitcher, consider factors such as filter capacity, replacement filter cost, and the contaminants you want to remove. Some pitchers are designed to remove specific contaminants, such as lead or chlorine, while others offer more general filtration. Look for pitchers certified by NSF International or the Environmental Working Group. These certifications ensure that the pitcher meets specific water filtration and safety standards.

Faucet Mount Filters

faucet mount filters

Faucet mount filters attach directly to your kitchen sink faucet, providing filtered water on demand. These filters use activated carbon or other filtration methods to remove contaminants and improve water quality. They are easy to install and use. Faucet mount filters are a convenient option for those who want filtered water without needing a separate pitcher or filtration system. They provide a continuous supply of clean water for drinking and cooking.

Benefits of Faucet Mount Filters

One of the main benefits of faucet mount filters is their convenience. They provide filtered water directly from your faucet, eliminating the need for a separate pitcher or filtration system. This makes them a great choice for busy households. Faucet mount filters are also easy to install and maintain. Most filters can be replaced periodically, ensuring you always have access to clean and healthy water.

Whole House Filtration Systems

Whole house filtration systems provide clean water for all household uses, including drinking, cooking, and bathing. These systems use multiple stages of filtration to remove contaminants from the entire water supply. They are a comprehensive solution for improving water quality.

Whole-house filtration systems are a good choice for those who want to ensure that all water in their homes is clean and safe. They can remove many contaminants, including chlorine, sediment, and heavy metals.

How Whole House Filtration Systems Work

house filtration system

Whole-house filtration systems typically include multiple stages of filtration, such as sediment filters, activated carbon filters, and ion exchange filters. These stages work together to remove contaminants from the water supply, providing clean water for all household uses. These systems are installed at the point where water enters the home, ensuring that all water is filtered before it reaches your faucets and appliances. This makes whole-house filtration systems a comprehensive solution for improving water quality.


Distillation is a process that involves boiling water and then condensing the steam back into liquid form. This process removes contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved solids. Distilled water is highly purified and free from most contaminants. Distillation is an effective method for producing clean water, but it can be time-consuming and requires specialized equipment. It is often used in combination with other filtration methods for added protection.

Benefits of Distillation

One of the main benefits of distillation is its ability to remove a wide range of contaminants, including biological contaminants and dissolved solids. This makes it an excellent choice for producing highly purified water. Distillation is also a reliable method for producing clean water in emergencies. It can be used to purify water from various sources, including tap water, rainwater, and even seawater.

Ultraviolet (UV) Purification

uv purification

Ultraviolet (UV) purification uses UV light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in water. This method is effective at disinfecting water and is often used in combination with other filtration methods for comprehensive water purification. UV purification is a chemical-free method for disinfecting water, making it a safe and environmentally friendly option. It is commonly used in both residential and commercial water filtration systems.

How UV Purification Works

UV purification works by exposing water to UV light, which kills microorganisms by damaging their DNA. This process is effective at eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, ensuring that the water is safe to drink. UV purification is often used in combination with other filtration methods, such as activated carbon or reverse osmosis, to provide comprehensive water purification. This multi-stage approach ensures that the water is free from both biological and chemical contaminants.

Alkaline Water Filters

Alkaline water filters are designed to increase the pH level of water, making it more alkaline. These filters use a combination of filtration methods and mineralization to produce alkaline water, which is believed to have various health benefits. Alkaline water filters are a popular choice for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being. They can be used in combination with other filtration methods for added water purification.

Benefits of Alkaline Water

alkaline water filter

One of the main benefits of alkaline water is its potential to neutralize acid in the body. This can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Alkaline water is also believed to have antioxidant properties, which can help protect against free radicals. Alkaline water filters can also improve the taste of water by adding beneficial minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. This makes them a great choice for those looking to enhance the quality and taste of their drinking water.

Water Softening

Water softening is a process that removes calcium and magnesium ions from water, which causes water hardness. This process is typically achieved using ion exchange filters, which replace the hardness-causing ions with sodium or potassium ions. Water softening is important for preventing scale buildup in pipes and appliances, which can reduce their efficiency and lifespan. It also improves the taste and quality of water.

Benefits of Water Softening

One of the main benefits of water softening is its ability to prevent scale buildup in pipes and appliances. This can help extend the lifespan of your plumbing and appliances, saving you money on repairs and replacements. Water softening also improves the taste and quality of water by removing hardness-causing minerals. This makes it a great choice for those looking to improve the overall quality of their water supply.

Choosing the Right Water Filtration System

water filtration system

Choosing the right water filtration system depends on your specific needs and the contaminants present in your water supply. Consider factors such as the type of contaminants you want to remove, the cost of the filtration system, and the maintenance requirements. It's important to choose a filtration system that is certified by organizations such as NSF International or the Environmental Working Group. These certifications ensure that the system meets specific standards for water filtration and safety.

Testing Your Water

Before choosing a water filtration system, it's important to test your water to determine the specific contaminants present. This can help you choose the right filtration method for your needs. Water testing kits are available for home use, or you can have your water tested by a professional. This will provide you with a detailed analysis of your water quality and help you make an informed decision.

Maintaining Your Water Filtration System

Maintaining your water filtration system is crucial for ensuring its effectiveness. This includes regularly replacing filters, cleaning the system, and checking for any issues. Most filters need to be replaced periodically, depending on the type of filter and the amount of water you use. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement and maintenance to ensure your system continues to provide clean and healthy water.

Environmental Considerations

When choosing a water filtration system, it's important to consider the environmental impact. Some filtration methods, such as bottled water, can contribute to plastic waste and environmental pollution. Opt for reusable filtration systems, such as water filter dispensers or faucet mount filters, to reduce your environmental footprint. These options are more sustainable and can help protect the environment.

Cost Considerations

The cost of a water filtration system can vary widely, depending on the type and the specific features it offers. When making your decision, consider your budget and the long-term costs of maintaining the system. While some systems may have a higher upfront cost, they can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for bottled water and preventing costly repairs to your plumbing and appliances.


Choosing the healthiest way to filter water involves understanding the different filtration methods available and their benefits. Reverse osmosis water filters, activated carbon filters, and water filter pitchers are all excellent options for improving water quality. By testing your water and considering factors such as cost, maintenance, and environmental impact, you can choose the right filtration system for your needs.


What is the healthiest way to filter water?

The healthiest way to filter water depends on the specific contaminants present in your water supply. Reverse osmosis water filters are highly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants, while activated carbon filters are excellent for improving taste and removing chlorine.

How often should I replace my water filter?

The frequency of filter replacement depends on the type of filter and the amount of water you use. Most filters need to be replaced periodically, typically every 2-6 months. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter replacement to ensure your system continues to provide clean and healthy water.

Are water filter pitchers effective?

Yes, water filter pitchers are effective at removing certain contaminants and improving the taste of tap water. They use activated carbon filters to remove chlorine, sediment, and other impurities. Water filter pitchers are a convenient and affordable option for filtering drinking water.